Saturday, February 21, 2015


Aredhel, in the Tengwar script :)

So lately, every Friday/Saturday night, Nesa Findis and I will stay up at night and watch Bonanza. Because they have like...every freaking episode on YouTube for free. Anyway, last night, we watched one call Five into the Wind. Okay, that was probably favourite Bonanza episode EVER. I totally recommend it to you. Especially if you've never seen a Bonanza before. The second one we watched was the Gamble.
AGH, YOU'VE just gotta lice Little Joe...I mean, how can't you, right?? And that's one of the episodes where you're like "What would the show be like if there wasn't Little Joe?????" I mean, sure, you're all sad when Adam leaves and season six, and Hoss dies IRL just before season fourteen, but c'mon, with out Little Joe, I don't think there
would've been a Bonanza. Oh, and I have to tell you guys something: Michael Landon (Little Joe) can freakin' SING. I don't know why, but one I got curious and looked it up, and my Gosh,he sings several songs. They're on YouTube. I'd post them here,but I'm using my Kindle, which doesn't let me post videos. So I'll just give you the names:

Be Patient With Me
Linda is Lonesome
Santa got Lost in Texas
You Were on My Mind
I Like it Like That
Careless Love
Without You
Gimme a Little Kiss (Will ya'?) I 'll warn you, this one if very annoying, but yeah...whatever...:P

And just to be fair, Lorne Greene (Pa, or Ben Cartwright) and Pernell Roberts (Adam) both have very amazing voices. Not as good as ML's, IMO, but maybe you'll disagree. Their songs may also be found on YouTube.
And now we come to Dan Blocker (Hoss, or Eric) he can't sing to save his life. XD. He has a hilarious voice that's very likeable, yet also awful. XD.
He sings a song call Skyball Paint, which is on YouTube. So there you have it :)
I hope you like their voices as much as I do, and happy late Valentine's Day!